A Healthy Cities digital mini seminar

For three decades the Healthy Cities movement has been a pioneering driver of change. The network consists of cities and communities that puts health and well-being high on their agenda. Now you will have the chance to meet colleagues from six of the Healthy Cities countries!

Being a part of the WHO Healthy Cities network means having direct access to technical support, trainings, and meetings, to learn from each other and share knowledge, and the Healthy Cities networks of Iceland, Finland, Sweden, UK, Denmark and Norway will in this digital mini seminar give insights into their work and give examples of tools and strategies that are on the agenda for this WHO Healthy Cities phase.

These countries represent a high level of competency, insight, and good examples within the field of public health. Through this seminar we will start a joint initiative to collaborate closer with Healthy Cities colleagues outside your country. You will get the chance to meet and discuss with colleagues in small break – out rooms. We are aware that many are not so familiar or comfortable with speaking in English but remember that this apply for most of us so let this be an opportunity to practice!

Time: Thursday, June 9th at 10:30 -12:30 CET

Online: Zoom link will be provided before the event.

Sign up for the seminar here


10:30 – 10:40
Welcome – The national networks

10:40 – 10:55
The European Healthy Cities Network – Past, present and future Hanna Dunning, The European Healthy Cities Secretariat

10:55 – 11:55
Presentation of the six Healthy Cities Network: UK, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Denmark:

    1. The Danish way of co-creating healthy, sustainable initiatives – what should you
      take into consideration?
    2. One of the main goals of the Finnish Healthy Cities Network during phase 2017-
      2020 was to support municipalities in adopting the impact assessment – what are
      the results?
    3. Local government politicians have a great responsibility for citizens’ quality of life,
      and a systematic approach across governments and society is required to reduce
      health inequities. The Norwegian Healthy Cities Network has developed and
      educated its member politicians in understanding their responsibility, through the
      guide “Take care of your voters”.
    4. Monitoring the progress towards well-being for all and the SDGs in Iceland using
      the digital platform Heilsueflandi.is
    5. UK Healthy Cities network – Health in all policies approaches to reducing health
      inequalities and acting on the wider determinants of health
    6. The Swedish Healthy Cities network – emphasizes governance and management
      that have a long-term effect, are cross-sectoral and provides a levelling result.

Break-out rooms – Two questions for reflection:

– Round of presentation: where do you work and what are your one or
two main tasks in field of promoting wellbeing.
– What is a great achievement or interesting project that you want to
share from your local work?

What´s next and goodbye